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I'm not an expert...


Before I travel too far down the road of the amazing and wild adventure that is blogging, I want to add a disclaimer for any whose resistance to the light might result in a powerful and overwhelming desire to put forth an offering of criticism, condemnation, judgment, vitriol or any number of equally impressive gifts that all of us see far too often in the aether of the internet and that most auspicious structure known as “the comments section”: I AM NOT AN EXPERT ON THE BEST WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE!

And I do not wish to be. That is your job to figure out. Truly.

Yes, I have some amazing tools that can help you in this endeavor--tools that I know are very powerful and that work because I've used them and experienced firsthand the profound difference they have made in my own life. This is what led, in part, to my decision to create “Food for Thought” rather than the usual blog.

It is not my passion to spend my days gathering data to blog about things about which I am not a master, teacher, or expert, self-proclaimed or otherwise. Rather, I wanted to have an honest, sincere, and more intimate relationship with myself as God. So I asked myself, "What better way to do that than to open the door to my heart and let God in—in all his/her myriad forms—through the sharing of some of my own personal journey?"

With that said, the writings here are inspired by my own experiences (physical, meditative, dream or otherwise), my perspective of them, and the questions and challenges that arise as I journey to know myself.  There are no textbook questions or answers. You will not find those here.  Nor will you find a pulpit…unless you are just determined to.  Some writings you may even find childish or naive. They are! After all, I am still a child in the eyes of God. Plus, I am an ignorant and flawed human to boot. I have much growing to do.  I accept that. Additionally, I do not exist to impress anyone. I am here to experience . . . myself as God. Through my own use of the tools/services I offer, and more, I now love and have a much greater appreciation for myself and my willingness and commitment to do just that.  What you will find, however, if you choose to observe carefully and read and reflect with an open heart and mind, is the evolution of a recently awakened soul—a soul seeking to heal and to know itself through the expression of its own uniquely, individual voice.

My soul.

With that said, to those who choose to travel with me, welcome! I am grateful and I sincerely hope you find yourself inspired to share some of your own journey in the comments section. For those not yet ready, for whatever reason, I bless you and wish you well on your journey—as I bless and pray ALL journey well!

And that, folks, is my “food for thought” for today . . .

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